Type-safe parameter validation

tl;dr see it in action: https://github.com/scarabcoder/function-factory With the release of the Standard Schema interface, it’s gotten a lot easier to implement validator-agnostic libraries that can take in a schema from many popular schema libraries. Using the new Standard Schema interface, I created a tiny helper function that can construct functions which automatically validates the input,…Read More

Content Analyzer Development

Yes, the name “Content Analyzer” sounds boring. It’s the internal name for a new software product I’m working on, which (like the name entails) helps customers analyze and find areas of improvement in their WordPress blogs. Content Analyzer will connect to customers’ WordPress website’s to scan their post & pages, determine metrics like word count,…Read More

web-vitals vs Lighthouse vs PageSpeed Insights – What’s the Difference?

There are quite a few different libraries out there that can help with measuring your Site Speed, specifically Google’s Core Web Vitals standards. The primary three tools that are are commonly used and set the standards are web-vitals, Lighthouse, and PageSpeed Insights. Each tool/library in the list is connected to the one before it. web-vitals…Read More

Google Search Console Showing High CLS But PageSpeed Insights Shows Good Score

So you’ve asked a plugin provider/your theme designer/ads provider to fix CLS issues that you think their services are causing on your website. They’ve updated their software, run some tests with PageSpeed Insights, and you’re ecstatic – your CLS has dropped to 0.05, virtually non-existent! A month goes by, and you login to Google Search…Read More