How to get the intrinsic coordinates on an image mouse click

I’m currently working on a program that can generate a customizable image report. It needs to allow the user to click on areas in an image to specify certain areas used when generating the report. One method of doing this would be to use a two dimensional drawing library, like Two.js. Unfortunately, these libraries require…Read More

Sending Daily Reports to a Slack Channel from Google Sheets

If you’ve ever done any kind of commission or service work for many people, and at some point started to outsource or hire out that work, you’ve probably experienced the stress that comes with depending on other people to make sure work gets done in a timely manner. There’s always the chance someone will forget…Read More

Using Node Applications to Create Tools and Automate Processes

As part of my job scanning and fixing many WordPress websites, I go through a lot of repeated tasks. Sometimes, I will scan as many as a hundred websites, each website requiring steps for marking down different bits of information. One thing that takes a bit of time that I really want to automate, is…Read More